Organization chart 2024/12/18
EITB General Director: Mr. Andoni Aldekoa de la Torre
EITB Strategy and Corporate Communication Director: Ms. Isabel Octavio Uranga
— Strategy and Public Value Director: Mr. Lontzo Sainz Nieto
EITB Managing Director: Ms. Ainhoa Alustiza Kapanaga
— Human Resources Director: Ms. Izarne Arrigain Azkona
— Systems Director: Mr. Iñaki Regidor Mendiolea
— Economic and Financial Director: Mr. Javier González Calvo
— Legal Services and Recruitment Director
— General Services Directorate
EITB Media Director: Mr. José Luis Román Jiménez
Economic and Financial Control and Contracting Directorate: Mr. Fernando Canales Pinacho
ETB and Audiovisual Director: Mr. Unai Iparragirre Torres
— ETB Programming Director: Mr. José Luis Blanco Rad
— Artistic and Entertainment Director: Mr. Gorka García Peral
— OTTs and TV On Demand Directorate
Audio and Radio Director: Ms. Maite Goñi Eizmendi
— Radio Euskadi Director: Mr. Jon Osa Bikandi
— Radio Miramon Director: Mr. Gorka Etxebeste Arruabarrena
— Radio Vitoria Director: Ms. Marian Parra Salado
Social Media and Directorate: Ms. Nagore de los Ríos
News Director: Ms. Arantza Ruiz Miguelez
— News Director of ETB: Ms. Maite Amundarain Barandiaran
Sports Director: Mr. Joseba Urkiola Irulegi
Culture and Basque Director: Ms. Vanesa Fernández Guerra
Strategic Audiences Director: Mr. Mikel Kepa Unamuno Ugartemendia
Planning and Resources Director: Ms. Olatz Goirigolzarri Etxeandia
Miramon Faktoria Director: Ms. Ainhoa Rasero Roman
Operations and Technology Director: Mr. Igor Jainaga Irastorza
Data, AI and Innovation Director: Mr. Jon Telletxea Aragón
Commercial Directorate: Mr. Rubén Irisarri Fernández
Professional profile of senior EITB positions
Aldekoa, Andoni — General Director (EITB)

+34 (94) 6563102
Capuchinos de Basurtu Kalea, 2
48013 Bilbao, Biscay
Graduated from Radio and Television at INDESCO in Bilbao. Master in Political and Electoral Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Postgraduate Degree in Economic Intelligence and Security from ICADE. Certificate under the European Foundation for Quality of Management (EFQM). Prior to his work at EITB, he has been Director-General of the Euskalduna Bilbao Palace of Music and Congresses and previously Adviser and Director of Communication of the Presidency of the Basque Government (Lehendakaritza). He has also been deputy CEO of the Bilbao City Council Mayor's Office, coordinator of Economic Policy and Planning and director of the Mayor's Office. He was also the Director of News at Canal Bizkaia Televisión. He is currently also a Postgraduate Professor at George Washington University and a visiting professor and rapporteur at university postgraduate and training courses at INAP, FEMP, UNED, the University of the Basque Country or the University of Deusto. In October 2020, he was appointed Director-General of EITB by the Basque Parliament. Multilingual.
Alustiza, Ainhoa — Managing Director (EITB)
+34 (94) 6563251
Capuchinos de Basurtu Kalea, 2
48013 Bilbao, Biscay
Degree in Law from the University of Deusto. Master in International Humanitarian Action (University of Deusto - Aix-Marseille University - Columbia University). Business Law Executive Master (Garrigues Studies Center and Harvard University). LL.M in International Transactions - Master in International Legal Transactions - (Nebrija University and Fordham University). International Compliance Certificate (Spanish Compliance Association and International Federation of Compliance Associations). Degree Specialist in Public Contracts (Universidad Distancia de Madrid). She's been director of EITB's Legal Advisory Office. She had previously worked at J & A Garrigues, providing permanent and comprehensive legal advice to companies and public sector organizations, and in 2018 she was appointed Senior Member (Manager). She has taught Constitutional Law in undergraduate studies at the University of Deusto from 2013 to 2021, as well as a postgraduate degree in Digital Law. She has published several articles in specialized journals on topics of interest to legal traffic. Multilingual.
Román, Jose Luis — Director (EITB Media)
+34 (94) 6563202
Capuchinos de Basurtu Kalea, 2
48013 Bilbao, Biscay
With a diploma in Business Sciences and a degree in Economic Sciences at the UPV/EHU, he completed a Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the Barcelona School of Marketing and Administration. He has been director of Business and Commercial Development at EITB. He began his career in investment banking, working for both American and Spanish companies. Later he moved to the media sector, holding positions of responsibility and advisory positions both in the press (El Periódico de Alava and Diario de Noticias de Navarra) and in television (Canal Bizkaia and Localia TV). He later joined the Ciudad de la Luz film studios in Valencia, where he was general director advisor. Multilingual.
Octavio, Isabel — Director of Strategy and Communication (EITB)

+34 (94) 6563251
Capuchinos de Basurtu Kalea, 2
48013 Bilbao, Biscay
She holds a degree in Information Sciences and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Navarre. She has been Director of the Cabinet of the Health Adviser of the Basque Government and Adviser on Health Programmes and Citizen Relations. Previously, EUDEL, Azkuna Zentroa-Alhóndiga Bilbao, Osakidetza, Kontsumobide and the Press Cabinet Directorate of the Department of Health of the Basque Government. She has also been a news presenter, coordinator/editor and editor of Euskal Telebista and has worked on various radio stations. Multilingual.
Management board 2025/03/12
EITB Board of Directors, corresponding to the 13th term in office, was elected by the Basque Parliament on February 20, 2025, with a majority of over two thirds of the votes as established in article 7 of law 5/1982 of EITB creation.
The current EITB Board of Directors consists of 19 members and is also attended by the Director General of EITB.
Mr. Manu Allende Arias
Mr. Iñaki Altuna Arandia
Mr. Adolfo Arejita Oñarte-Etxebarria
Mr. Raúl Arza Vélez
Mr. Jon Benito Aranberri
Ms. Vanesa Durán Carballares
Ms. Miren Arantza Gutiérrez Paz
Ms. Miren Itxaso Cuevas
Mr. Imanol Lasa Zeberio
Mr. Jose Luis López García
Ms. Garbiñe Mendizabal Mendizabal
Mr. Iker Merodio Urbaneja
Mr. Jonatan Moreno Carranza
Mr. Garikoitz Iriondo Mujika
Mr. Koldo Nabaskues Simón
Ms. Bakartxo Ruiz Jaso
Mr. Oscar Torres Lavid
Mr. Iñaki Zabaleta Urkiola
Ms. Saioa Zubizarreta Elgezabal